Norfolk Data Base
The Norfolk-Terrier data base contains
pedigrees, pictures, breeder addresses, offspring, comments, titles and also judge reports
of some dogs. The data base can be changed and actualized by the breeders themselves,
so that the correctness cannot be guarranteed.
To search for informations within the data base, click onto the menu item 'Data Base'.
Then a formula field will be opened.
On the left side you can specify, which dogs you are looking for. If you type
the complete name of a dog, then all other criteria will be ignored.
Otherwise, the dogs will be listed on the right side, that fullfill all criteria.
Therefor click onto the 'Search'-button. To display informations about some of the dogs,
which are listed on the right side, press the 'Ctrl'-key and mark them.
To see the pedigrees and
additional informations concerning the selected dogs, click onto the 'Show selected dogs'-button.
Note, that you can see the ancestors of the dogs, if you click onto their names
in the pedigrees.
How to add your dogs to your homepage
If your dogs are in the data base, then you are allowed to
take over their datas to your homepage.
Therefore, save this file
(with the context menue) on your computer and open it with an editor.
Modifiy the value-attributes of the input-fields and save the file as an HTML-document
(e.g. as 'Bitches.htm') on the server, where you have your homepage.
Then, you can put a link on this page.
Alternatively, you can also link with of Brigadoon
How to add your own dogs to the data base
The link 'CMS' on the left side at the bottom of the page leads to the content management system.
Before you can log in, you have to register yourself.
After that, you can add your own dogs and their ancestors to the data base (only Norfolk Terriers).
Pleast note:
- Please contact me
to receive the required registration password.
- It is important to distinguish between the dog names and their pet names.
Take care, that you write the dog names correctly (without their titles).
- Add your dogs first, then their parents, grandparents,.. and so on.
- If the current owner of a dog is unknown, then it suffices to enter a former owner (e.g. the breeder).
- The dogs will be listed in the search-formular correctly, only if you type in their date of birth.
Please enter the date of birth as day.month.year, (Example: 27.06.2005).
- Pictures can be added only as 'jpg'-files.
- The comments on your dogs can be formatted with html-tags.
If something doesn't function (or if you want to improve this english), then please contact
(what's the mistake, which browser do you use, ...).
Please also contact me, if you find incorrect statements in the data base.
Our web pages carry this Norfolkterrier Headline and their menu items
are colored black. Links to external pages are colored blue within the menu.
To open a submenu in the left frame, click onto the corresponding menu item.
Some external pages will be opened in the right frame. To open them in
a new window, click onto the link in the green area on the left side.
If you want to propose a new link for the menu or if a page does not exist,
please contact me.
We routinely put links to other sites on this homepage. We would like to emphasize,
that we are not responsible for the contents of any of the sites to which we
provide a link. Therefore, we detach ourselves from the specific contents of
all links to other web sites.