Ch. Belleville Expression

Norfolk Terrier Hündin geb. 23.01.2003

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Züchter: Belleville
  Cathy Thompson-Morgan
  -- Great Britain --
 Champion GB 

Brickin Dun and Dusted 

11 CC's
Ch. Belleville Cloudvoyager 

Ch. Jaeva Night-Hawk 

Ch. Belleville Cloudscape 

7 CC's
Ch. Brickin Just For Me 

Ch. Salette Gold Bullion 

Brickin Really Smart 

Belleville Smartipants 

Ch. Brickin Get Smart 

Elve Roland Redleaf 

Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty 

Belleville Born To Dance 

Ch. Belleville Premium Bond 

Ch. Pirouette At Belleville 


Nachkommen von Belleville Expression

Sohn Tochter
Belleville Rendition