Colonsay Bimp

Norfolk Terrier Rüde mit ZZL geb. 06.06.1943

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Züchter: Colonsay
  Marion Sheila Scott Macfie
  -- Great Britain --

Colonsay Hudson 

Colonsay Gloom Chaser 

Knipton Rusty 

Colonsay Blink 

Colonsay Birdseed 

Tiny Tim of Biffin 

Kinmount Pip 

Colonsay Flaming Onion 

Tiny Tim of Biffin 

Ch. Biffin of Beaufin 

Little Jane 

Kinmount Pip 

Kinmount Jack 

Kinmount Dumpty 


Nachkommen von Colonsay Bimp

Sohn Tochter
Elel Spruce
Rob of Redcott
Colonsay Carry On
Colonsay Dazzle Painting
Elel Spice
Ragus Shandy Gaff
Valkyrie Jinny