Jaeva Dutch Lace

Norfolk Terrier Hündin mit ZZL geb. 14.11.1996

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Züchter: Jaeva
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Jaeva Dutch Courage At Collaton 

Pottawotames Goyathlay Of Elve 

Ch. Salette Gold Bullion 

Pottawotames Nipewais 

Jaeva Buttonhole 

Ch. The Buccaneer at Jaeva 

Jaeva Brown Button 

Ragus Bright Weave 

Ch. Jaeva Night-Hawk 

Ch. Jaeva Bluebeard 

Bo-Peep of Jaeva 

Pottawotames Estrella 

Ch. Elve Bingo Baggins 

Pottawotames Rosebud River 


Nachkommen von Jaeva Dutch Lace

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Jaeva Going Dutch