Europasieger (VDH) Bundessieger Group win
Ch. Allright Smart Anthony
Crufts Sieger Ch. Belleville Smart Alec
Ch. Brickin Get Smart
Belleville Born To Dance
Weltsieger Europa-Jgd-Sg VDH Ch. Allright Indian Magic
Mainly Loverboy
Ch. Allright Indian Corn
Bester Junghund Norfolk Festival 2007 Klubjugendsiegerin 2007
Ch. Peanuts Pompon Popcorn
Ch. Allright True Goblin
Ch. Allright Ali Baba
Ch. Allright Kobold
Ch. Don't run away of Amarac
Ch. Yarrow's Henley
Swynford Blackberry
Nachkommen von Peanuts Pig Pen