Penorth Never Ending Story

Norfolk Terrier Hündin mit ZZL geb. 01.11.1994

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Züchter: Penorth
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Besitzer: Indecent
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Ch. Franfoy Rythme and Blues 

Ch. Jaeva Bluebeard 

Ch. Elve Cloudyhead 

Ch. Jaeva Brown Treacle 

Franfoy Sabatini 

Ch. Crackshill Sportsman 

Franfoy Corrie 

Penorth Scheherazade 

Titanium Cadfael 

Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone 

Titanium Candyfloss 

Ch. Penorth Scene Stealer 

Ch. And Harry Of Titanium 

Pinecourt Jinglebells. 


Nachkommen von Penorth Never Ending Story

Sohn Tochter
Ch. Indecent Proposal To