Ragnolds As Time Goes By

Norfolk Terrier Hündin mit ZZL geb. 09.06.1991

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Züchter: Ragnolds
  -- --

Jaeva Pocket Watch 

Ch. Elve Bingo Baggins 

Ch. Newthatch Black Pepper 

Serinde of Elve 

Ch. Jaeva Beat The Clock 

Titanium Fiddlesticks 

Clockwise of Jaeva 

Ragnolds Corndolly 

Ch. Elve Peregrin 

Elve Daddy Twofoot 

Elve Pervinca Took 

Daffran Barbara's Delight 

Ryslip Here Comes Trouble 

Daffran Daly's Girl 


Nachkommen von Ragnolds As Time Goes By

Sohn Tochter
Ragnolds Magic Moment