Belleville Smartipants

Norfolk Terrier Hündin mit ZZL geb. 30.08.2000

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Züchter: Belleville
  Cathy Thompson-Morgan
  -- Great Britain --

Ch. Brickin Get Smart 

Elve Roland Redleaf 

Elve The Mark 

Elve Damson Goodbody 

Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty 

Ch. The Buccaneer at Jaeva 

Harriet Happy Toes 

Belleville Born To Dance 

Ch. Belleville Premium Bond 

Elve Falco Rumble 

Moortop Cracker 

12 CC's
Ch. Pirouette At Belleville 

Ch. Belleville Cloudvoyager 

Ch. Elve Willow Goldworthy 


Nachkommen von Belleville Smartipants

Sohn Tochter
Ch. Belleville Expression